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Writer's pictureShira Lankin Sheps, MSW

A Different Kind of Tisha Ba'av

Can I tell you a secret?

There are many among my acquaintance who are going into Tisha Ba'av tonight feeling full of optimism.

In all my years, I have never gone into a Tisha Ba'av feeling like this:

Like I am standing in between two timelines- what will have been and what will be.

Like the world is about to rupture, breaking broken systems and making way for a new reality to surface.

Like I should be mournful, but we've never been closer to redemption than we are at this very moment.

So close I can see it:

What it would look like to witness an open miracle on Tisha Ba'av this year?

That God could save us with an open hand and outstretched arm- so clearly- so astoundingly.

I could see people flooding the streets dancing in joy- calling out to each other in relief- and in gratitude- in hope.

Because when I look at the reality- right now it's not looking "good." Entire armies, countries, allies- mobilized against us.

Threatening us.

Promising to wipe us off the map.

I should be terrified.

But so what?

The guardian of Israel never sleeps or slumbers.

So much feels like it's been leading up to this moment-

and we know our darkest day is not destined to stay that way.

So we have every reason to hope and pray that this is a moment of Jewish history that we will celebrate.

It's been prophecized- and consider everything we are facing-

Why couldn't it be us? Right now?

So instead of being terrified of annihilation or mournful going into Tisha Ba'av- my secret is that I actually have hope in my heart.

Because I truly believe that we are moving into a new beginning - heralding the redemption.

And when I weep for Jerusalem, my home- the Jerusalem that could be- the Jerusalem our city is becoming- I will turn my tears to prayers for this moment right now- when everything can change.

When we need God and each other more than ever.

When we are living on the precipice of history.

I don't think we're meant to drowning in sorrow tonight.

I think we are meant to be buoyed by hope.

Because chazak vi'amatz my friends- we need strength right now.



Keep your sneakers and sunglasses by your door for when that shofar blasts calling us home- your timbrels in hand.

And may we celebrate our redemption soon enough.


Writing Exercise:

How are you going into Tisha Ba'av this year?

Where does it land for you?

Are you feeling heartbroken? Optimistic? Frightened? Hopeful?

What do you hope the outcome will be this year?


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