It’s been 100 days.
100 days since that first day when sirens were ringing through our bodies and across valleys.
100 days since we tried to pray for rain but received rockets from the heavens.
100 days since we’ve been shooting madness out of the skies.
100 days since they put on their old uniforms and we blessed them while they rushed out to war.
100 days of footage we can never unsee, burned into our brains.
100 days of dark dank tunnels haunting our dreams.
100 days of bomb shelters and explosions overhead.
100 days of precious faces of the hostages crying out to us from every sign on every corner.
100 days of holding our breath when we open the news.
100 days of “Bring them home.”
100 days of empty beds.
100 days of “Cleared for publication.”
100 days of digging dirt for burials of those stolen from us.
100 days of “From the River to the Sea.”
100 days of learning where we truly stand in the world.
100 days of “When will this end?”
100 days of not knowing what will happen next.
100 days of paralyzing fear.
100 days of endless hope.
How did we get to 100 days??
What have your last 100 days been like?
Write out or reflect on the ways that the last 100 days have been different or the same.
What has changed or stayed the same in your world?
What have you wrestled with? What new awarenesses have come to the forefront for you?